Pharmacy & Lab Support

How it works

  • Book
  • Treatment
  • Treatment
  • Upload
  • Medicine

Enriching the patient experience with medicine fulfillment facility.

Patient Friendly Medical Platform

Make your medical practice app an all-in-one solution with our software and build that makes it very patient friendly. Ease and accessibility being the topmost priority of the app, patients do not have to run from shop to shop after treatment. TalktoTreat prioritizes patient comfort by giving a user-friendly interface for seamless healthcare interactions. Patients can navigate services with ease, enhancing their overall experience and ensuring they feel supported throughout their medical journey.

Integrated Pannel for Medicine Orders

Give your patients an experience of holistic healthcare with several Pharmacies that will be put on one mobile or website application. TalktoTreat makes the process of ordering medications simpler by offering an integrated panel for many pharmacies. Patients can conveniently request prescriptions and have them fulfilled, saving time and effort while ensuring they receive the necessary treatments promptly.

Hassle free post treatment service

If your patients wonder what will happen post treatment, give them the assurance that your application will take care of it, how? With our application, our platform ensures that patients receive the necessary care and guidance post-treatment, promoting a smooth recovery process and addressing any concerns or questions they may have. Pharmacy or medicine requirements being a priority after treatment.

Advanced equipment facility

Our applications help medical service providers give their patients a place where accessing lab and diagnostic service is made easier. Get separate section where patients can connect the diagnostic centers that have the most technology advanced testing equipment. By leveraging advanced technology, the platform enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of medical procedures.

Accurate Testing and Diagnosis

Keep accuracy of diagnostic as the usp of your service with built in report management from lab centers. TalktoTreat emphasizes the importance of accurate testing and diagnosis in delivering effective healthcare. Through precise testing methods and thorough diagnostic procedures, patients can trust the reliability of their results and receive tailored treatment plans that address their specific medical needs.


Our success, in their words


Ready to get started?

Contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable Teams to discuss your
requirements and needs.